Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Purpose

"I am just here to love and the rest will come with time"
...because I wasn't created to have a social network. I wasn't created to go to events. I wasn't created to have the latest clothes. I wasn't created to eat good meals. I wasn't created to have nice things. I wasn't created to go to church or even the mountains or the ocean. I wasn't created to go to college, get a degree and make loads of money. I wasn't created to get married and have cute kids and live in a cute house.
I was created for Jesus. To love Him and love His people and that is all. 
So next time I'm wondering why I feel empty, and why I don't I have all that I think I need, maybe it's because that's not what I was created for. I was never supposed to have or do all of that. None of those things are in any close proximity to my purpose.
Blessed to have these things, yes. 
But necessary?
essential for a full life?
All that I need. 
ALL that I need, 
resides in the temple that has been built in my heart. 
And that is it. and that is real. and that is where life, purpose is to be found.
Not in the gifts that God gives us, but in God Himself.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Soul Book

people everywhere
big . little . young . old
happy . sad . hurt

stories everywhere . from everyone
beneath the surface of the skin is the novel of the soul
if i had the eyes to see, to read yours,
then maybe I could love,
maybe i could understand, 
maybe i could shake this apathy that consumes me

if there are souls hurting then why am i not helping
why am i acting as if i know your soul story to be good
why am i not loving,
wastefully loving everyone around

sometimes i think it's not the hurting that need the most help,
it's ME
a cure for apathy,
that would fix more than a doctor ever could

Lord, cure me
give me eyes . give me ears . give me understanding
to be consumed in the novels of the souls that surround me

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